@jascha I com­ple­ted my first Angel shift at 36C3, impres­sed by how the enti­re event was orga­ni­zed by vol­un­teers, spar­king my curio­si­ty. Though I only guard­ed a litt­le-used back ent­rance, I con­nec­ted with fel­low Angels, making the event feel more spe­cial with my 0.000000001% con­tri­bu­ti­on. As you men­tio­ned, giving back to the com­mu­ni­ty adds a uni­que touch.While I initi­al­ly thought my tech­ni­cal skills might find bet­ter use, it made sen­se that basic tasks play­ed a very cru­cial role in crea­ting a plea­sant expe­ri­ence for everyone.

Gre­at post!