My Star Wars rea­ding journey

Fol­low me on my jour­ney rea­ding the canon Star Wars mate­ri­al in chro­no­lo­gi­cal order. Learn how to fol­low my jour­ney or even join it!

I am fol­lo­wing the time­line from Woo­kie­epe­dia and will sprink­le it with occa­sio­nal other rea­dings like visu­al gui­des or in uni­ver­se non-ficiton.

I track my rea­ding on Book­Wyrm – a free alter­na­ti­ve to Good­reads which fede­ra­tes to the Fedi­ver­se. You can fol­low from any Book­Wyrm ins­tance and Acti­vi­ty­pub powered social net­work like Mast­o­don, GoTo­So­cial, Akko­ma or a Word­Press Blog with the Acti­vi­ty­pub and Fri­ends plug­in. Of cour­se you can fol­low my Book­Wyrm pro­fi­le via RSS feed.

If you’d like to join on the rea­ding jour­ney – I crea­ted a list on Book­Wyrm with all the books in order. Antho­lo­gies and short sto­ry coll­ec­tions will be at the posi­ti­on the first read takes place.

For every book the­re will be a blog­post with all pos­tings I made to Book­Wyrm to fol­low them as well. You can find all of them in the cate­go­ry „Star Wars rea­ding jour­ney“. All of them can be found in the RSS feed of the cate­go­ry.

In the pos­tings to the books and sto­ries you will find a link to the post on Book­Wyrm as well. You will see that I put some posts here on my blog and over the­re behind spoi­lers. I do this only for the appearance of rare cha­rac­ters which might be inte­res­t­ing for the who­le back­ground of Star Wars like anci­ent Sith Lords. I will never put Darth Vader, Luke Sky­wal­ker, Pal­pa­ti­ne or any other well known cha­rac­ter behind a spoi­ler war­ning. I will not crea­te a new post for every rea­ding step but update the post of the book. 

Lates ent­ries on the jour­ney – newest ent­ries first

Find a list of all ent­ries here.

The title pic­tu­re is from the offi­ci­al Star Wars website