Schlagwort: freiwillige Arbeit

Angels at Cha­os – about vol­un­tee­ring and fit­ting in

After three years of invol­un­t­a­ry break the Cha­os Com­pu­ter Club final­ly could invi­te to the 37th Cha­os Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Con­gress (37C3) in Ham­burg at the CCH. I was not atten­ding but I was as part of the lea­der­ship of a team invol­ved in some pre­pa­ra­ti­on. In the Call for Angels (vol­un­teers hel­ping out run­ning the event) we asked for new peo­p­le to join our team. As expec­ted we got some emails from seve­ral folks asking to join. But we got more: Emails with a CV and a moti­va­ti­on let­ter. Tho­se maps were by peo­p­le atten­ding the Con­gress for the first time and eager­ly try­ing to con­tri­bu­te to the com­mu­ni­ty. With some of them I wro­te emails back and forth becau­se I wan­ted to under­stand why they sent emails which read like app­ly­ing for a job. After all the­se con­ver­sa­ti­ons I wro­te the pre­sent text in which I try to lay out my under­stan­ding of vol­un­teer work at a CCC event. The text could work as a gene­ral text for first time vol­un­teers at an event from the wider Cha­os family.

1. Januar 2024